Trust Is Not the Goal. It’s the Foundation.
Fostering an environment where authentic relationships can thrive and laying a foundation of trust.
Voices of CGS: Jacques-Philippe Piverger
At the Common Ground Summit, attendees have the opportunity to learn more about what it takes to invest in and build a more regenerative future from those who are leading the way, like Jacques-Philippe Piverger, Founder & Managing Partner of GoodLight Capital.
Voices of CGS: Jannes Soerensen
Common Ground is acting in community with people who are also leading the way in changing the face of the industry. People like Jannes Soerensen, Founder & CEO of Kepler Hospitality Group.
Why Our Venue is a Main Character
The Common Ground campus is a main character in the story that unfolds during the Common Ground Summit. When participants come for the Summit, they are also visiting this extraordinary living example of regenerative hospitality.
Our Impact: Finding Common Ground
What does it mean to be “In Community with Place”? The focus of this year’s Common Ground Summit is on place—not only physical locations, but also the foods, practices, stories, and people that bring them to life.